

Net Weight: 350g / 12.35 OZCountry of Origin: China   Huang Fei Hong Magic Chili Snack is made of fried, seasoned chilies you eat like...
Net Weight: 159g / 5.64 OZCountry of Origin: China 不含色素,甜蜜素,防腐劑 食疗功效1、防治心血管疾病有机栗子中含有大量淀粉、蛋白质、脂肪、B族维生素等多种营养素,素有“干果之王”的美称,可有效地预防和治疗高血压、冠心病、动脉硬化等心血管疾病,有益于人体健康。生有机栗捣烂如泥,敷于患处,可治跌打损伤,筋骨肿痛,而且有止痛止血,吸收脓毒的作用。2、强筋健骨,延缓衰老有机栗子含有丰富的维生素C,能够维持牙齿、骨骼、血管肌肉的正常功能,可以预防和治疗骨质疏松、腰腿酸软、筋骨疼痛、乏力等,延缓人体衰老,是老年人理想的保健果品。经常生食有机栗子还有治疗腰腿酸疼、舒筋活络的功效。3、益气补脾,健胃厚肠营养学指出,有机栗子是碳水化合物含量较高的干果品种,能供给人体较多的热能,并能帮助脂肪代谢。保证机体基本营养物质供应,有“铁杆庄稼”、“木本粮食”之称。因而,栗子具有益气健脾,厚补胃肠的作用。 【注】以上内容来自网络,对于栗子产品是否有医疗效果请咨询专业医师的意见。 这些人食用栗子需谨慎 1. 脾胃虚寒者,不宜生吃栗子,应该煨食、炒食,也可用栗子、大枣、茯苓、大米煮粥喝。 2. 产妇、小儿便秘者不宜多吃栗子。 3. 糖尿病患者吃栗子应适可而止。
Net Weight: 12.6 ozCountry of Origin: China Contents:1x Double Egg Yolk Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake1x Red Bean Paste Mooncake
Net Weight: 12.7 ozCountry of Origin: China Contents: 1x Double Egg Yolk Dates & Walnut Mooncake 1x Red Bean Paste Mooncake
Net Weight: 6.3 oz / 180gCountry of Origin: China Contents:1x Special Piggy Shaped White Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake猪仔饼,是广东省著名的汉族小吃,中秋节节日食俗。广东人在中秋节时送给长者或小朋友的传统食品。因为做成小猪的形状而得名。    
Contents:4x Red Bean Paste MooncakesNet Weight: 24.7 ozCountry of Origin: China
2 bottles maximum for each order. 每單限購2瓶哦! Net Weight: 280gCountry of Origin: China
Net Weight: 383g Country of Origin: China  
Net Weight: 5.6 ozCountry of Origin: China Contents:1x Double Egg Yolk Dates & Walnut Mooncake
Contents:4x Dates & Walnut Double Egg Yolk MooncakesNet Weight: 25.4 ozCountry of Origin: China  
2 bottles maximum for each order. 每單限購2瓶哦! Net Weight: 230g Country of origin: China  
Net Weight: 118g Country of Origin: China 不含防腐劑,色素,香精  
Net Weight: 400g Country of Origin: China 無色素,無添加劑,非轉基因
Lantern & Battery included! 內含燈籠&電池。Net Weight: 25.4 ozCountry of Origin: China Includes:* 2 White Lotus Paste with Double Egg Yolk Moon Cakes ** 2 Red...
Net Weight: 16.9 ozCountry of Origin: China Contents:2x Mixed Nuts Moon Cake 五仁2x White Lotus Paste with Egg Yolk Moon Cake 蛋黃白蓮蓉2x Red Bean Paste...
Net Weight: 400 g Country of Origin: China
Net Weight: 400g Country of Origin: China  無色素,無添加劑,非轉基因
Net Weight: 118g Country of Origin: China 不含防腐劑,色素,香精
Net Weight: 118g Country of Origin: China
Net Weight: 160g Country of origin: China
2 bottles maximum for each order. 每單限購2瓶哦! Net Weight: 230g Country of origin: China
Net Weight: 300g  Country of Origin: China  This soybean paste is made from non-GMO soybeans and uses traditional brewing methods. It is high in protein...
Net Weight: 300g  Country of Origin: China Selected high-quality wheat from Shandong and non-GMO soybeans from Northeast China, fermented for over 90 days, without the...
Net Weight: 5.64 ozCountry of Origin: China  雙黃白蓮蓉月餅*1 White Lotus with Double Egg Yolk Moon Cake*1
2 bottles maximum for each order. 每單限購2瓶哦! Net Weight: 280gCountry of Origin: China
Net Weight: 200g Country of Origin: China 山楂製品
Net Weight: 454gCountry of Origin: China
Net Weight: 397g Country of Origin: China  
Net Weight: 150g    Country of Origin: China     Description Big Plate Chicken, or da pan ji (大盘鸡), is a popular slow-cooked savory chicken...
2 bottles maximum for each order. 每單限購2瓶哦! Net Weight: 230g Country of origin: China
Net Weight: 150g Country of Origin: China 酸甜開胃
Net Weight: 150g Country of Origin: China  酸甜開胃
Net Weight: 400gCountry of Origin: China 
Net Weight: 475g Country of Origin: China  
2 bottles maximum for each order. 每單限購2瓶哦! Net Weight: 230g Country of origin: China  
720g / Country of origin: China Contents:1x Mixed Nuts Moon Cake 五仁1x White Lotus Paste with 2 Egg Yolk Moon Cake 雙黃白蓮蓉1x Wax Gourd Paste...
Country of Origin: China 6.7 oz/ 760g Contents:4x Mixed Nuts Mooncakes
2 bottles maximum for each order. . 每單限購2瓶哦! Net Weight: 500mlCountry of Origin: China Pearl River Bridge Lite Soy Sauce Features&Usage: Pearl River Bridge Brand Lite...
Net Weight: 400gCountry of Origin: China
Net Weight: 400g Country of Origin: China 
Net Weight: 400 gCountry of Origin: China 
Net Weight: 400 GCountry of Origin: China
Net Weight: 360gCountry of Origin: China  平安龜月餅-紅豆沙 *1 Special individual moon cake - red bean *1
Net Weight: 360gCountry of Origin: China  椰椰蛋黃紅豆沙月餅 *1 椰椰五仁月餅*1 Coconut and red bean paste egg yolk moon cake *1 Coconut and mixed nut moon cake...
Contents:  (流心奶黃月餅 + 流心黑鬆露月餅 + 流心百利甜巧克力月餅 + 流心香柚月餅)*各 2 (Lava custard paste moon cake + Lava custard paste black truffle flavor moon cake + Lava...
Contents:  八蘊流心奶黃月餅 * 8 Lava custard paste moon cake * 8 Net Weight: 400g; Country of Origin: China
Contents:  雙黃板栗蓉月餅 * 1 Double egg yolks with chestnut paste moon cake * 1 Net Weight: 150g; Country of Origin: China
Contents:  雙黃紅豆沙月餅 * 1 Double egg yolks with red bean paste moon cake * 1 Net Weight: 150g; Country of Origin: China
Contents:  雙黃白蓮蓉月餅 * 1 Double egg yolks with white lotus seed paste moon cake * 1 Net Weight: 150g; Country of Origin: China
Contents:  雙黃白蓮蓉月餅 * 4 Double egg yolks with white lotus seed paste moon cake * 4 Net Weight: 600g; Country of Origin: China
Contents:  粒粒紅豆沙月餅 * 4 Red bean paste moon cake * 4 Net Weight: 600g; Country of Origin: China
Contents:  (粒粒紅豆沙月餅 + 純正黑芝麻月餅 + 雙黃紅蓮香味蓉月餅 + 雙黃蓮香味蓉月餅)各1 (Red bean moon cake + Black sesame moon cake + Red lotus paste with 2 egg yolks...
Net Weight: 400 g Country of Origin: China
Net Weight: 150g Country of origin: China Traditionally crafted No preservatives Black Sesame content >= 40% 古法秘製 無防腐劑 黑芝麻含量>=40%
Net Weight: 150g Country of origin: China Traditionally crafted No preservatives Peanuts content >= 80% 古法秘製 無防腐劑 花生仁含量>=80%
Net Weight: 150g Country of origin: China Traditionally crafted No preservatives Pumpkin seed content >= 50% 古法秘製 無防腐劑 南瓜仁含量>=50%
Net Weight: 150g Country of origin: China Traditionally crafted No preservatives Peanuts content >= 80% 古法秘製 無防腐劑 花生仁含量>=50%
Net Weight: 100g Country of Origin: China This product is made from high-quality black sesame seeds roasted in an iron pot. Before roasting, the sesame seeds...
Net Weight: 100g Country of Origin: China This product is made from high-quality black sesame seeds roasted in an iron pot. Before roasting, the sesame seeds...
Net Weight: 4.3 OZ Country of Origin: CHINA Contains almonds.  
  Net Weight: 88GCountry of Origin: CHINA
Net Weight: 235g Country of Origin: China    
Net Weight: 354g Country of Origin: China  
Net Weight: 475g Country of Origin: China  
Net Weight: 90g Country of Origin: China   Description For most of its history, hotpot was a dish that was served in a communal manner...
Net Weight: 300g  Country of Origin: China   Selected non-GMO soybeans from Northeast China and high-quality wheat from Shandong, processed using world-leading equipment and techniques,...
Net Weight: 300g  Country of Origin: China  
Net Weight: 16.9 ozCountry of Origin: China 花宴月雙層抽屜禮盒 _ 蛋黃糖醇柑橘桂花/ 檸蜜蛋黃Contents:4x Tangerine & Osmanthus Mooncake with Sugar Alcohol4x Lemon Paste with Egg Yolk Mooncake  
Net Weight: 35.3 oz / 600gCountry of Origin: China Contents:1x White Lotus Paste with 2 Egg Yolk Mooncake1x White Lotus Paste with Egg Yolk Mooncake2x...
Net: 25.4oz Country of Origin: China Contains:  4 x Red Bean with Orange Peel Flavor Moon Cake 4 x 雙黃陳皮欖仁豆沙月餅
Net: 25.4ozCountry of Origin: China Contains: 4 x Spicy Szechuan Nut Flavor Moon Cake 4 x 五仁椒麻月餅   
Net Weight: 400g Country of Origin: China 食用方法: 1,將本品麻辣火鍋底料和清湯火鍋底料分別放於鴛鴦鍋的兩個格子中。 2 分別加水0.8kg(雞湯 骨湯口感更佳)。 3,熬開後即可燙涮火鍋菜品 清湯火鍋配料:食用牛油,植物油,姜,香菇,海帶,食用鹽,紅棗,平菇,白砂糖,鮮貝素,豬骨白湯,洋蔥,蝦皮,檸檬,枸杞子,等..麻辣火鍋配料:食用牛油,植物油,豆瓣醬,姜,洋蔥,白砂糖,花梗,香辛料,等..
Net Weight: 4 lbCountry of Origin: China 小米含有多種維生素、氨基酸、脂肪和碳水化合物,營養價值較高。 。可單獨煮熬,亦可添加藜麥、大棗、紅豆、紅薯、蓮子、百合、龍眼肉、黑豆、薏米……等,熬成風味各異的營養品。小米磨成粉,可製糕點,美味可口。 《本草綱目》說,小米“治反胃熱痢,煮粥食,益丹田,補虛損,開腸胃。”