Emperor Love (御奉)

Net Weight: 8.4 FL OZ / 240 G Country of Origin: Taiwan Made from original leaves of Indian high-altitude black tea grown at elevations of...
Net Weight: 200gCountry of Origin: Taiwan Today, get your multiple matcha delivered in Emperor Love's exquisite pouches for an easy pour & mix solution; for...
Net Weight: 6.7 FL OZ / 192 G Country of Origin: Taiwan Emperor Love Charcoal Baked Oolong Tea Latte is made of fresh tea leaves...
Net Weight: 8.8 FL OZ / 252 G Country of Origin: Taiwan Emperor Love Matcha Latte is made of fresh tea leaves and processed into...
Net Weight: 240gCountry of Origin: Taiwan    
Country of Origin: TaiwanNet Weight: 3.5oz (100g) Emperor Love Black Tea Latte is made of fresh tea leaves and processed into this delicious instant tea...
Country of Origin: Taiwan Net Weight: 3.5oz (100g) Emperor Love Matcha Latte is made of fresh tea leaves and processed into this delicious instant tea...
Net Weight: 8.4 FL OZ / 240 G Country of Origin: Taiwan Made from original leaves of Indian high-altitude black tea grown at elevations of...
Net Weight: 8.4 FL OZ / 240 G Country of Origin: Taiwan Made from original leaves of Indian high-altitude black tea grown at elevations of...
Net Weight: 8.4 FL OZ / 240 G Country of Origin: Taiwan Made from original leaves of Indian high-altitude black tea grown at elevations of...
Net Weight: 8.4 FL OZ / 240 G Country of Origin: Taiwan Made from original leaves of Indian high-altitude black tea grown at elevations of...
Country of Origin: Taiwan Net Weight: 3.5oz (100g) 【御奉】原葉研磨茶粉–皇家泰式拿鐵隨行包 保有傳統泰式奶茶做法,加入煉乳調和風味,橘紅色茶底結合煉乳香氣, 每一口都能喝到濃醇紅茶與乳香交織的甜蜜,順口而不膩, 無論是熱飲或冷飲,回甘泰式茶葉濃郁香氣, 讓您輕鬆在家就能為自己來杯濃醇香泰式奶茶。 夏日冷泡、冰涼滑順;冬日熱飲、香濃醇厚。 通過SGS嚴格檢測,安心保證! 完全台灣製造,不含反式脂肪,通過SGS嚴格檢測,百分之百安心保證。 精緻小袋包裝,無時無刻隨時享用,香濃醇厚的滋味,令人回味無窮!