Nuts, Preserved plum

Nuts, Preserved plum

Net Weight: 350g / 12.35 OZCountry of Origin: China   Huang Fei Hong Magic Chili Snack is made of fried, seasoned chilies you eat like...
Net Weight: 110g / 3.88 OZCountry of Origin: China Ingredients: Peanuts, Chili, NON-GMO Soybean Oil, Salt, Spices, Monosodium Glutamate, Tocopherols Allergen Information: contains peanuts and...
Net Weight: 210g / 7.4 OZCountry of Origin: China Your first reaction when tasting Huang Fei Hong's Spicy Peanuts might just be "Where have YOU...
Net Weight: 70g Country of Origin: China
Net Weight: 198 GCountry of Origin: United States
Net Weight: 198 GCountry of Origin: United States   A family moved across the world with nothing to their name except hopes, dreams, and a delicious...
Net Weight: 198 GCountry of Origin: United States   A family moved across the world with nothing to their name except hopes, dreams, and a delicious...
Net Weight: 198 GCountry of Origin: United States
Net Weight: 198 GCountry of Origin: United States
Net Weight: 198 GCountry of Origin: United States   A family moved across the world with nothing to their name except hopes, dreams, and a delicious...
Net Weight: 198 GCountry of Origin: United States
Net Weight: 159g / 5.64 OZCountry of Origin: China 不含色素,甜蜜素,防腐劑 食疗功效1、防治心血管疾病有机栗子中含有大量淀粉、蛋白质、脂肪、B族维生素等多种营养素,素有“干果之王”的美称,可有效地预防和治疗高血压、冠心病、动脉硬化等心血管疾病,有益于人体健康。生有机栗捣烂如泥,敷于患处,可治跌打损伤,筋骨肿痛,而且有止痛止血,吸收脓毒的作用。2、强筋健骨,延缓衰老有机栗子含有丰富的维生素C,能够维持牙齿、骨骼、血管肌肉的正常功能,可以预防和治疗骨质疏松、腰腿酸软、筋骨疼痛、乏力等,延缓人体衰老,是老年人理想的保健果品。经常生食有机栗子还有治疗腰腿酸疼、舒筋活络的功效。3、益气补脾,健胃厚肠营养学指出,有机栗子是碳水化合物含量较高的干果品种,能供给人体较多的热能,并能帮助脂肪代谢。保证机体基本营养物质供应,有“铁杆庄稼”、“木本粮食”之称。因而,栗子具有益气健脾,厚补胃肠的作用。 【注】以上内容来自网络,对于栗子产品是否有医疗效果请咨询专业医师的意见。 这些人食用栗子需谨慎 1. 脾胃虚寒者,不宜生吃栗子,应该煨食、炒食,也可用栗子、大枣、茯苓、大米煮粥喝。 2. 产妇、小儿便秘者不宜多吃栗子。 3. 糖尿病患者吃栗子应适可而止。
Net Weight: 160g Country of Origin: Taiwan
Net Weight: 160g Country of Origin: Taiwan
  Net Weight: 88GCountry of Origin: CHINA
Net Weight: 4.3 OZ Country of Origin: CHINA Contains almonds.  
Net Weight: 70g Country of Origin: China
Net Weight: 40g Country of Origin: China
Net Weight: 70g Country of Origin: China
Net Weight: 70g Country of Origin: China
Net Weight: 70g Country of Origin: China