
Astor crispy wafer filled with tons of rich tasty chocolate cream with two chocolate lines drawn across on the outside of the wafer. Crisp and...
Net Weight: 400g Country of Origin: China 食用方法: 1,將本品麻辣火鍋底料和清湯火鍋底料分別放於鴛鴦鍋的兩個格子中。 2 分別加水0.8kg(雞湯 骨湯口感更佳)。 3,熬開後即可燙涮火鍋菜品 清湯火鍋配料:食用牛油,植物油,姜,香菇,海帶,食用鹽,紅棗,平菇,白砂糖,鮮貝素,豬骨白湯,洋蔥,蝦皮,檸檬,枸杞子,等..麻辣火鍋配料:食用牛油,植物油,豆瓣醬,姜,洋蔥,白砂糖,花梗,香辛料,等..
Net Weight: 70g Country of Origin: China
Net Weight: 235g Country of Origin: China    
Net Weight: 400g Country of Origin: China 無色素,無添加劑,非轉基因
Net Weight: 300g  Country of Origin: China  
Net Weight: 300g  Country of Origin: China   Selected non-GMO soybeans from Northeast China and high-quality wheat from Shandong, processed using world-leading equipment and techniques,...
Net Weight: 300g  Country of Origin: China Selected high-quality wheat from Shandong and non-GMO soybeans from Northeast China, fermented for over 90 days, without the...
Net Weight: 300g  Country of Origin: China  This soybean paste is made from non-GMO soybeans and uses traditional brewing methods. It is high in protein...
Net Weight: 400gCountry of Origin: China 
Net Weight: 400 g Country of Origin: China
Net Weight: 400 g Country of Origin: China
Net Weight: 4 lbCountry of Origin: China 小米含有多種維生素、氨基酸、脂肪和碳水化合物,營養價值較高。 。可單獨煮熬,亦可添加藜麥、大棗、紅豆、紅薯、蓮子、百合、龍眼肉、黑豆、薏米……等,熬成風味各異的營養品。小米磨成粉,可製糕點,美味可口。 《本草綱目》說,小米“治反胃熱痢,煮粥食,益丹田,補虛損,開腸胃。”
Net Weight: 400 GCountry of Origin: China
Net Weight: 400 gCountry of Origin: China 
Net Weight: 400g Country of Origin: China